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Ensuring academic excellence for our students is my top priority.

When I was a GCISD teacher, I was constantly assessing our programs and strategies to ensure my teaching methods resulted in an exceptional, well-rounded education. Recent events like the pandemic and culture wars have created distractions from what GCISD should be about—preparing our students for their next steps in life. Academic integrity should always be the primary focus.

Attracting and retaining
great teachers is a must.

There is no more direct way to positively impact students than by consistently giving them great teachers. That is becoming a harder task as the teacher retention rate is dropping at an alarming rate, not only in our district but across the country. I want to make GCISD the exception.  Teachers need to feel supported, safe, and appreciated. In addition to paying teachers well, we need to create an attractive and desirable workplace through benefits that go beyond a paycheck. That principle does not stop with just classroom teachers. All staff including bus drivers, aides, lunchroom nutritionists, custodians – anyone whose job impacts our students – needs to feel comfortable and confident in their workplace.

Supporting the ongoing excellence of GCISD is vital to our growth.

Nothing positively impacts a community’s property values more than excellent schools.  Our communities are now a great place for our residents and business owners, but I want to make sure this continues by identifying issues that may threaten GCISD as a destination district while also working to support and strengthen the areas where we already excel.  I want our district and the surrounding communities to have a symbiotic relationship – great schools make great communities and great communities make great schools. 

Bringing balance, stability, calm, and a spirit of collaboration to the Board of Trustees is my mission.

Recently, the Board has struggled to conduct business with professionalism, trust, collaboration, and respect. We need leaders who can be a voice of reason and wisdom. I will be the connecting force that brings parents, teachers and the members of the Board around the table to listen to their needs and move forward with the best solutions.

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